Attorney-Client Relationships
Personalized Advice On Your Attorney And Client Relationship Concerns
Among the most important things to address during any legal malpractice (breach of the standard care) suit stands the relationship between you as the client and your attorney. When seeking compensation during a legal malpractice suit, you need to be able to prove that your lawyer entered into an agreement to provide you with legal representation, whether that agreement was expressed in writing or implied through unofficial advice. At the Waid Law Office, PLLC, I take great care to provide detailed advice on attorney and client relationships to clients throughout Seattle and Western Washington. Often offering my services to clients seeking compensation in legal malpractice suits, I take great care to examine your specific situation to determine whether an attorney and client relationship truly existed before offering advice on your options in seeking compensation for losses sustained due to inadequate or unethical representation. Contact my office online or call 206-462-4435 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your attorney and client relationship concerns.
Providing A Careful Examination Of Your Unique Situation
In order to file a successful legal malpractice claim, you need to first prove that a relationship existed between you and your attorney. While this task may often be relatively simple, it can also be confusing and complicated, especially in situations where you may have only corresponded via email. The simple test the court may perform relates to whether you subjectively believe that the attorney is representing your interests, so long as your belief is reasonably based. I work to help you examine your situation and gather evidence of your relationship with your legal counsel and, in turn, how that relationship impacted the outcome of your legal proceedings. Once an attorney and client relationship is established, that attorney is then bound to represent the client competently, in accordance with the professional ethics and good faith guidelines provided by Washington law. Contact me to discuss your specific situation and concerns.